Advanced Surface Engineering Division (ASED)

ICMCTF 2024 & Short Courses

ICMCTF 2024 technical sessions will have an overarching theme that emphasizes materials, processes, and applications relevant for sustainable development and will include related Topical Symposia. We also hope to see many of the major leaders of the conference to mark the 50th anniversary. The Conference includes more than 90 high-profile invited speakers, in over 40 sessions, across technical symposia – concentrating on Processes (P), Materials (M), Characterization and Computation (C), and Industry and Applications (I) – plenary and keynote lectures, short courses, an awards program, and daily social networking events. The opening plenary talk on Monday morning is given by Professor Yury Gogotsi, A.J. Drexel Nanomaterials Institute, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering,
Drexel University, USA on ‘Engineering 2D MXene Surfaces for Functional Films and Coatings’.

In addition to the technical program, the Conference features a major exhibition of equipment, materials, technical literature, and new technologies is a key part of the conference. Attendees from all over the world come to present their findings, exchange ideas, share insights, make new friends, and often establish collaborations. The Conference typically draws 700 attendees. The Exhibition is open to the public. An educational program of Short Courses will be offered throughout the week.

Each year, the R.F. Bunshah Award Laureate, the Bill Sproul Award winner and three outstanding Graduate Student Award winners are celebrated during a special convocation late Wednesday afternoon, followed by a festive buffet reception in the evening.

ICMCTF will again publish excellent scientific and technical work in peer-reviewed  special issues of the two Elsevier journals Vacuum and Surface & Coatings Technology. Articles in the ICMCTF special issues will have complementary open access for one year after publication.

The Town and Country Resort Hotel and Convention Center, located in sunny San Diego of Southern California, will be the official conference venue, providing a relaxed atmosphere for discussion and networking among attendees.